2012 La Carrera Panamericana: Day 0: No Sleep 'Til Zacatecas

Team TumbaBurros de Zacatecas & Rodriguez Racing report from Veracruz on Day 0.  Am blogging remotely this year and will post news and photos as I receive them from my team.  Suerte to everyone as the race officially starts tomorrow!

El Jefe came in at 7th in class (Turismo Produccion "TP") and 65th overall.

Official Day 0 Results posted here:

Photo courtesy of Eduardo Antonio
From Vance III:
"We did the short (6 km) time trial this morning, car ran great. Everyone´s car seems to be running rich in the hot, moist, dense air here. didn´t hear of any accidents. We did it in 2:36, so we should place in our regular position for tomorrow.
Lots of rookies this year.

Emilio from Univision with his three Porsche 911s are not here. He bought Telcel so he can´t compete in LCP with Telmex as a sponsor!

Dr. Christian and Dan in the Original Pan Am Lincoln are back after sitting out a couple of years.  Gregorys brought a Nova that they´ve raced in Chihuahua and are excited to be in Historic C."

El Jefe en route to Veracruz

Please offer a good caption for this one besides Tres Amigos! Rene, Bimbo, Geezer. I'm just thinking that Geezer needs some below the knee shorts....

El Jefe at the parc ferme in Veracruz.

Rene and Stewie tightening up for the Day 0 ride.
Photo set courtesy of TBZ & Rodriguez Racing (Antonio Cordero).


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