2013 La Carrera Panamericana: Bienvenido a Veracruz

What?  This is crazy!  Not much to report, all is calm and organized at the 2013 LCP!  WTF!  Those TBZ boys really know how to prep a car; I give them gigante kudos as it is pretty clear on our 8th year that they've got this down pat.

El Jefe is shiny and ready and we spent the afternoon and early evening waiting in line for tech inspection at the World Trade Center.  Evidently it was happy hour so the race officials called it quits and we'll have to return in the morning to finish but all is well.

I am really enjoying seeing old friends and all of the deep laughter that entails: Chrislana and Jon, Christian, Lauren and Carson, Francisco Ortiz, Ian and Val Swan, Roque, Jake, Anders, many more and not to forget the Silver Fox guapos, Fernando and Gerie.

Geezer and the TBZ crew (Rene, Tonio, Bimbo) arrived in Veracruz last night after an uneventful 11 hour road trip from Zacatecas. Veracruz provides a pretty easy LCP start being easy to both fly and drive into.  I woke up to my alarm at 330am Denver time and was pretty groggy until I remembered where I was going!  I arrived Veracruz at 1pm with Jack Rogers on the American Airlines puddle jumper with me.

I passed the medical test with a BP of 120/80 which prompted the doc to say I was a teenager, a quinceanera.  Well, that's a pretty high BP for me but if they say it's good then I'm happy.

Just a few photos here as only about 20% of the cars have even made it inside the auditorium yet.

Okay, time to go meet Rene and the boys

Geezer passing medical inspection.  He usually tells them he's 10 years younger than he really is!

Crazy-assed car!

View from my room of the beach at Veracruz.

My favoritos.

Chapulina and The Geezer

Getting our race suits, helmets, etc. through inspection.

My bodyguards Tonio and Bimbo.
Father and daughter!   Big, badass HIGH SPEED BULL SHIPPERS!

Rene y Francisco

I hope to navigate this year but the rules are wonky....

Geezer told Chrislana that the year she missed the LCP, Jon made his navigator wear a wig.


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