2010 Pikes Peak Int'l Hill Climb: Vintage Car Show, Photo Shoot and Final Pre-Race Prep

Pictures from the Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing car show in Manitou Springs on Saturday, a photo shoot in the Garden of the Gods, and our final pre-race preparations.  We are ready for the hill!

Nothing sexier than men grocery shopping.  :)

Jim & Jeremy Tome - friends of my parents in Georgetown, TX who came to see the race.  Love their enthusiasm!

MMMMM my favorite car at the vintage car show.....except for ours, of course.  Still Corvette crazy after all these years.

Sweet patriotic AMX racer.  Garth from Wayne's World would look rad in this.

The Mustang lineup, ready to do battle tomorrow.

Alexander Davidis and Thierry attend the Colorado premier of the Director's Cut of GT Racer's La Carrera Panamericana!

Available now - 100 adrenaline-filled minutes of the 2008 La Carrera - leave a comment on my blog with your contact information if you would like a copy.
Doug previews the PPIHC course by watching Todd's 2008 in-car cam run one more time.

Thierry fitted with a new helmet cam.

Geezer sporting the old mirrored Foster Grants.  He denies that he used to wear them in the 80s.

Todd neither confirms nor denies the Foster Grants....

Photographer dee Welsch does her magic on the fastbacks in the Garden of the Gods.

The 2010 PPIHC Mustangs To Go crew:  John Kollars, Vance "Geezer" Stewart, Doug Allen, Kristin Stewart, Todd Landon, and Thierry de Latre du Bosqueau.  Photo courtesy of Alexander Davidis.

Photo courtesy of Alexander Davidis.

Photo courtesy of Alexander Davidis.

One last drink, a short night of sleep and then the race.

Last minute grocery shopping for a long race day tomorrow at nearly 13,000 feet.


carson said…
Great blog K
thanks for the insite into a unique event

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