2008 PanAm: The Big Finish - El Jefe is 36th Overall!
La Carrera Panamericana 2008 had a spectacular finish. Geezer, Stewie and Rene finished 36th overall in El Jefe and 6th in the Production Class. The linkage to the clutch busted with just 60 miles left to go to Nuevo Laredo so we had to trailer El Jefe, but we officially finished all the speed stages and turned in our race card so we can still call it a finish. In a starting field of 105 cars, about half of those finished - a very high atrition rate so we are very happy to have finished, and finished well.
Final results are here: http://www.lacarrerapanamericana.com.mx/resultados_08.asp (download the pdf called Resultos Absulotos Finales).
Todd's 3 cars all finished and the big news is that Richard and Simon got 1st place in Historic C with Marc and Rupert close behind with 3rd place in Historic C! And they were 6th and 9th overall, which is incredible! Martin and Jon in the Gypsy Wind finished 6th in their class and 34th overall which is a good showing for missing 1+ days of racing due to a ripped open oil pan.
It is 10am and I am sitting with my laptop in the Texas sunlight on a curb in front of a Comfort Inn in Ft. Worth. A local cop just stopped at my toes to ask if I was okay. I motioned to the Falcon a few feet away and told him I was simply waiting for my ride. My plane flies back to Colorado tonight and it is really hard to believe that we are done....that this is over. I am not good at saying goodbye and I have already said it to Geezer, Stewie, Rene, Bimbo, Rupert, Marc, Simon and Richard. I am here in Texas with Todd, Fernando, Shawn, Dave, Jon and Martin and we will soon have to part ways as well which brings mixed emotions - sadness that it is over, and joy for the amazing adventure we experienced. There is only ever the now.......
Stewie, Kristin, Geezer and Rene.

Todd with big arms.
Final results are here: http://www.lacarrerapanamericana.com.mx/resultados_08.asp (download the pdf called Resultos Absulotos Finales).
Todd's 3 cars all finished and the big news is that Richard and Simon got 1st place in Historic C with Marc and Rupert close behind with 3rd place in Historic C! And they were 6th and 9th overall, which is incredible! Martin and Jon in the Gypsy Wind finished 6th in their class and 34th overall which is a good showing for missing 1+ days of racing due to a ripped open oil pan.
It is 10am and I am sitting with my laptop in the Texas sunlight on a curb in front of a Comfort Inn in Ft. Worth. A local cop just stopped at my toes to ask if I was okay. I motioned to the Falcon a few feet away and told him I was simply waiting for my ride. My plane flies back to Colorado tonight and it is really hard to believe that we are done....that this is over. I am not good at saying goodbye and I have already said it to Geezer, Stewie, Rene, Bimbo, Rupert, Marc, Simon and Richard. I am here in Texas with Todd, Fernando, Shawn, Dave, Jon and Martin and we will soon have to part ways as well which brings mixed emotions - sadness that it is over, and joy for the amazing adventure we experienced. There is only ever the now.......

Rupert, Simon and Richard celebrate their wins.
Fernando, our crew man with a heart of gold.

Martin and Geezer making their moves.
