2007: Day 7 - Arrival in Nuevo Laredo

Finally.....here we are! We made it to Nuevo Laredo about 730pm tonight. We broke the lower control arm going up La Bufa this morning in Zacatecas so El Jefe has been on the trailer for the last 500 miles of the journey. The suspension was shot and El Jefe was weaving all over the switchbacked mountain road. We knew we were on shaky ground when we finished yesterday but promised ourselves we would baby the car and try to get to Nuevo Laredo in one piece. But we are here and we finished! It is both joyous and sad to be here and I am enjoying all of the feelings.

El Jefe's broken control arm

Tonight is the final drivers' meeting and celebration and I must quickly jump in the shower and go.

I will blog when I get back to the states and post the pictures in the following week or two.....there are many stories to tell.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts for us to get here safely with smiles on our faces - we were successful!


Crashed out around 5am this morning with one of my dad's dogs, Malva, in Zacatecas

Team TBZ's finish


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